Copypasta - is text on imageboards and normie stupid retard social media that gets copied and pasted over and over.
"Staying safe on the Shemmy is easy! Here is a guide:
1 Only talk to people who seem friendly.
2. Block anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable.
3. Don't click links from strangers.
4. Don't share personal information like your name or address.
5. Have fun and be respectful to others."
Your proposal to an onionsduel: your proposal to an onionsduel has been declined due to the following:
1.i dont like you
2.youre gay post bad basedjaks
>A few days ago.. I used to describe myself as a “Mameson poster.”
>Each and everyday I toiled away at my keyboard..
>Make a mameson out of this /qa/ literal whom show, make a new mameson variant out of this, make a new mameson variant out of that.. That was until.. I saw the thread..
>I know what it said. I’ve memorized it since I first saw it..
>”Why is there no mameson porn yet.”
>I thought it’d just be the typical bait post. Maybe a frog laughs at nusoicacas, maybe someone says “lul I’d masturbate to it” but nothing else surely.
>I replied with a demonic soijak.. It was Cobson as the devil I remember.
>I kept looking at the thread, and then I saw it..
>”geg” with the filename as “clipboardimage.png)”
>i thought it was bait.. It should’ve been bait.. But I clicked on it, and I saw it..
>It was Mameson.. with massive breasts.. and wings.. sitting on what I believed to be a cloud. It shutters me to my core to have to think about the details of the image but my therapist told me i had to come to terms with it before I could truly heal.
>then after more kept coming.. There was one with mameson with a huge, just massive penis. I was at a lack of words.. one man said “BMC?!” And.. That’s when I snapped.
>I went into File Explorer and deleted my mames. Over 200 different variants, variants of variants, EVERYTHING had to go.
>I hid beneath the sheets that night. Those images of mameson still clear in my vision..
>And eversince? Never posted a mame again.