From Soygem Wiki
This page will be used to define what "shemmy culture" is, which is usually what is allowed on /soy/'s 'log.
Is Shemmy Culture
- Soyjaks
- The green arrow
- Pepe the frog
- Gigachads
- Alunya
- Soytan
- Bury Pink Gril
- Actually raiding unlike a certain site
- Creating gems
- /trade/ing gems among the newfags
- no rulecucking unless its something you don't like
- Complaining
- Saying the site is dead when it's been 1 minute since the last post
- Discord (according to Joel)
- Dust huffing (Cytube activity)
- Namefag drama
- Loving jannies (they work so hard)
- Dark Brandon memes (marge..)
- Hating fr*nch "people"
- Typology.../pseudoscience"
Not Shemmy Culture
- cado (note here cado isnt even /qa/ culture lmao)
- Discord (in reality)
- Zellig
- Politics
- Blogposts
- Cirno
- Kelly
- Doxxing
- Gore or DNB
- emailfagging
- Ponies
- Porn
- everything i don't like